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6. Activities in Practice

Clients and

·        Aargau Teacher's Association

·        Berlin Transport Services (BVG)

·        Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP)

·        Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)

·        BVmed

·        CompuNet

·        DaimlerChrysler AG

·        German Commercial Bank

·        Dialogue Computer Systems

·        GWGmbH Halle

·        HWK Chemnitz

·        IHK Friedberg

·        John Deere

·        Kathi Rainer Thiele GmbH

·        Government of the Land Brandenburg
·        Resient Registration Office Berlin
·        Linde AG

·        “Mittelbrandenburgische“ Savings Bank in Potsdam

·        East German Banker's Academy

·        PC-Emergency Call

·        ProMarkt

·        Schering AG

·        Schleicher & Schuell GmbH

·        Savings Bank Vogtland

·        Public Prosecutor's Department at theCounty Court Berlin

·        Town and County Savings Bank Stralsund

·        Town Savings Bank Gronau

·        City Council Potsdam




·        Adventure Team Training (att)

·        Kienbaum Management Consultants

·        HR Competence




Aptitude Diagnostics

·      Interviews for job applicants

·      Management-Audits

·      Assessment Center



Development and Implementation of PE-Instruments

·      PE-Concept Development

·      3600 Feedback systems

·      Annual appraisal interview, goal-planning session



Executives' Development

·      Executive trainings

·      Development of prospective managers

·      Coaching for managers



Organisational Development

·      Development and implementation of company guidelines

·      Executives' class examinations

·      Employee attitude survey

·      Team development (outdoor)



Market Research/ Marketing Promotion

·      Market analyses, customer surveys, marketing concepts

·      Purchase decision processes, pricing

·      Education and science marketing

·      Customers events

·      Training and coaching of employees in sales and marketing



Behaviour Trainings

·      Methodology and didactics for academics

·      Training of coaches

·      Training of pedagogical competences

·      Communication, moderation und presentation

·      Discussion and negotiation

·      Conflict management



Operational Health Promotion

·      Consulting with the implementation of health circles

·      Trainings for self, stress and time management



Further Education as Trainer, Consultant and

·      1986 - 1987 training as "Trainer of Social Competence" at ABF e.V., Berlin

·      1992 - 1994 further training as Supervisor and Counsellor at TOPS e.V., Berlin (approved training by the German Association for Supervision)


in each case further trainings lasting several days in:

Pedagogical role play, transaction analysis, group dynamics, methods of systemic work, project management, organisational development, social-psychological behaviour training, self-organised learning, observer training for AC-procedures, assessor trainings for potential analysis procedures, KOKOS-continuous and cooperative self-qualification, NLP, installation of Ropes-Courses Stations, media training for psychologists.


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